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  • Writer's pictureRay Watters

If you do nothing today, tomorrow will be the same...

Well would it surprise you if I told you it’s raining this campervan morning ? It’s beating on the roof and the sides of the van, for the first time the heating is on this morning, there is a damp chill in the van. I can hear nothing but the whir of the heating, rain on the roof and sides and the occasional passing plane. The cloud is heavy and dark and relentless. Streams of water washing down the road, nature appears to have hunkered down to ride this one out too. Once again my coffee appears to be getting colder more quickly, even though I am sat inside with the heating on. A day of drumming today so waiting for a shift in the weather to sort kit out. It’s funny how as the year starts to draw to a close, thoughts turn to planning, goals and objectives for next year and a review of the year gone by, the shifts and changes as the year progressed. I have a couple of weeks of drumming and then a break till the new year to plan. I heard something yesterday from Martijn Dooland who said that “ If you do nothing today then tomorrow will be the same “ which had me reflecting on the shifting shape of tomorrow and the influence we all have over it in the here and now. It also had me shifting the shape of today to make sure tomorrow is part of the continued onward momentum. To put energy into today so that tomorrow is different. So plans for travel in the short term and the long term take shape, built around the skeleton of the work that I love. The plans to develop campervan mornings onto instagram, website and YouTube, but also having my feet firmly planted in community, people, drumming and life. The things that excite me and nourish me in the present. So today is about making sure tomorrow is different. Lovely days people.

I have used this quote before, but it seems somewhat apt for this campervan morning.

“ Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards." Soren Kierkegaard.

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