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  • Writer's pictureRay Watters

I am Satiated...

A chilly coastal morning this campervan morning. A night of intermittent torrential rain has given way to a dark and cloudy morning. Bands of varying grey pass overhead, there is a bustle of activity in the various trees which I am yet to make any sense of. A Blackbird in the tree behind the van appears irritated and wants the world to know. A couple of Apple trees opposite stand bare, the last residue of there fruits of labour sit scattered on the ground. Huge puddles of water lay everywhere, water clings to glass and window. The smell of dampness in the air and feeling under foot. The nearby roads already busy with the morning traffic. In Katherine May’s book ‘Wintering’ she writes that :

“ We have seasons when we flourish and seasons when the leaves fall from us, revealing our bare bones.”

We are well and truly in the midst of Autumn. For me, more than just yearly. Reading in between rain and driving yesterday I came across this quote :

“ Autumtime in a person’s life can be a time of great gathering. It is a time for harvesting the fruits of your experience.”

Autumn appears to be figuring large this morning in my surroundings and I have also perhaps realised that as I sit, I too am in the Autumn of my life and it is time to harvest the fruits of my experience. I have been contemplating those experiences since yesterday and what fruits they might bear. Wisdom, well maybe, more free time, possibly, an understanding of the world around me, well just about, though sometimes not so much, an understanding of human nature, maybe. A desire to use my experiences to help others, definitely, the need to be creative, absolutely, the understanding and power of community, without a doubt. However these feel more like learnings. I sense my experiences gathered over the years provide me with something that I am yet to put my finger on, which I bring into my daily experiences and encounters, and is something I feel the need to think and journal about. Lovely days people.

I love this quote and long may it sit with me.

“ I would prefer to be able to say: ‘I am satiated, What is given to taste in this life, I have tasted.”

Chelae Milosz

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