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  • Writer's pictureRay Watters

Hedge Wisdom.

Soggy and rain once more this campervan morning, tapping gently on the roof and windows of the van. The skylight a constant run of water. The morning sounds are of starlings, blackbirds and pigeon, sufficiently noisy to be heard above the sound of the gentle rain. Passing planes high above the damp, grey cloud base. It’s crazy warm considering we are almost in November. The ground is awash with water and leaves, the oak shedding slowly accompanied by its neighbour the Ash. The Acorns have all but fallen and the ground is crunchy underfoot. Time for an autumnal clear up. Reflecting on reading yesterday around the need for ‘Hedge Wisdom’ ( Sharon Blackie ) Hedge schools developed in Ireland around the time of the occupation of Oliver Cromwell, has an antidote to the usual draconian marshalling of children by an occupying force into schools to indoctrinate, kill culture, customs, society and resistance. They were institutions created to give a healthy respect for the old ways, traditions and cultures whilst standing alongside traditional learning, she calls it wild, loamy wisdom, unbound but deeply rooted. She talks of a return to this wisdom and the sense of “ Outrage we feel against those crumbling institutions which bind us and confine us and kill the planet while we look on.” Especially now. A deep and thoughtful read on the future and where we are at. It’s another self care Sunday, so do something today that replenishes yourself and maybe find a wee bit of ‘Hedge Wisdom’ Lovely days people.

“ Each of us is an artist of our days; the greater our integrity and awareness, the more original and creative our time will become.” John O'Donohue.

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