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  • Writer's pictureRay Watters

Happy New Year.

A somewhat later start, but that’s no surprise considering the day. The weather remains dull and heavy this campervan morning, the light is the same. Rain on the air in between complete down bursts, thick ponderous cloud and a breeze. This however is an improvement on the day before’s torrential down pours and swirling winds. It’s quiet, the unnatural world is slow to awake, leaving nature to its own devices. There is dampness in the air, on the breeze, on the ground, in your nostrils, on your clothes and chest. A quiet night spent with friends, games, catching up and bringing in 23. It also heralds campervan morning 800 somewhat apt for the start of a new year on a round number. As I sit there are signs of blue coming through the sky. A few blackbirds darting here and there and the usual curious Robin, but it’s actually quite quiet. Well that was the year that truly was, parked and gone. It’s not often you will see me quoting Michael Buble, but “ It's a new dawn It's a new day It's a new life For me And I'm feeling good I'm feeling good. “

Lovely days people.

“ Last year's words belong to last year's language, And next year's words await another voice. T.S. Eliot.

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