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  • raywatters


A murder of crows in the trees this campervan morning creating noise and discussion amongst themselves. Great tits, Robin song underneath the layer of crow conversation. A mist sits amongst the trees, swirling through the tops, thickening and thinning moment to moment. A heavy dew on the ground clings to grass and leaf. A glorious Scots morning again. The air cold on fingers, face and chest. A slight breeze to chill the senses and keep you present. The sun a pale mist shrouded orb off to the east. And of course coffee keeping me company to experience it all. Driving further north takes me to Wiston and lands me in the space that is the drum circle community spiritual home. A welcome and an immersion in spirit, rhythm and people. A return to the balance that comes with being amongst my tribe, a return to equilibrium. A sense of gratitude for as Proust once wrote :

“ Let us be grateful to the people who make us happy; they are the charming gardeners who make our souls blossom.”

And so it is this morning, full of gratitude. To be in nature, surrounded by pine and spruce, bird song, Scots mist and especially kindred spirits. Acknowledge the good I see before me, those that stand with me and that which sits within me. A real sense of appreciation this morning. Not just of nature and the self but especially people. Voltaire wrote that :

“ Appreciation is a wonderful thing. It makes what is excellent in others belong to us as well.”

Today being amongst people there is a state of mind one of gratitude and one of appreciation. That I remain on this journey, I get to witness beautiful mornings like this and be amongst such a tribe. So the words today are those gratitude and appreciation. Lovely days people.

“ The invariable mark of wisdom is to see the miraculous in the common.” Ralph Waldo Emerson.

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