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  • Writer's pictureRay Watters

Friendship, Community and Music...

Well would it surprise you if I said it was raining again ? Light droplets on a strong breeze, not enough yet to drive you inside, but enough to make you wet. The Oak normally a shelter is sodden and any wind brings down a hail of droplets. There is a firm breeze this campervan morning and with it a wee chill. The sky is a heavy fast moving grey; for the first time in a good few days, the grind of the motorway is my backdrop. Birds are scarce once more, the occasional loud caw of a crow, but that is about it. A day of rhythm yesterday and talking all things drumming from skins, cymbals, tuning, playing, recording and all points in between. Heroes, villains, favourites and experiences of playing. Yesterday I wrote about being soaked with a friend was an adventure, well yesterday was being soaked with two friends, soaked in all things music. A fun, life affirming day. I am reflecting this morning on a bit of resistance to going that day that sat with me for some time and what that was about and pushing through to making the effort. I have often written about the important part music has played in defining era’s of myself from prog rock, folk, punk, electronic, reggae, indie, metal and points once again in between. How each of these genres seem to illuminate a point in my life, from teenager, to sixth form, to college, work, to family and onwards. The love I have of live music, which needs to be brushed off lost in the pandemic. So elements yesterday of blowing the dust off my kit skills ( Long have they been dormant ), conversations blowing the dust of my love for music and the various era’s that they illuminate and also just sitting with other people that get it. The community that are drummers and music lovers. Bathing in our passion and reigniting experiences and adventures. The power of friendships, community, music and of course what bound us together drums. Lovely days people.

“ Drumming is the simplest thing we can do to bring us together “ Baba Olatunji.

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