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  • raywatters

Follow Your Heart.

Good morning from a calm suburban garden this campervan morning. It’s been a few days, the drive to work has kept me away and I have missed it. It’s cool, but not cold. The sky is its usual grey, with the vaguest shade of blue, has it has been for the last few mornings. What I can hear is a woodpecker, which I haven’t heard for a very long time. It’s distinctive rattle cutting through the air. There are robins a plenty and a group of dancing blue tits charge through the scene to disappear as quickly as they arrived. A Robin drops to my feet, flicks at a few leaves and then is gone. The sound this morning is that of birds and virtually nothing else. There is sparse moisture in the air gently kissing everything it touch’s. It’s becoming more frequent, but just as light almost dreich like. The Robin returns to see if anything has changed, but soon leaves again. A few crows break the sound up, but it’s a peaceful enough self care Sunday. Reflecting on two days of busy drumming working with ages from 6 to 80, with people who are fit to those on their journey with Dementia or Parkinson’s. The privilege to be with each of them for a short while. Feeling blessed to have my health. Contemplating their feedback and their sharing of their experience of their illness or caring for someone on their journey. Yesterday was a particularly powerful day. So I delved into my journal and came across a quote or a saying that I can not attribute :

“ Your feet follow your heart.”

The last two days firmly echoed that sentiment. My feet and my work follow my heart. Long may it continue. As it’s self care Sunday, do something for you today. Lovely days people.

“ Let yourself be silently drawn by the strange pull of what you really love. It will not lead you astray.” Rumi.

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