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"Filthy, Rotten System.”


An occasional flurry of droplets from the oak, encouraged by a morning breeze this campervan morning, rather than the persistent rain of the last few days. The sky is heavy, streaked with grey and ponderously heading east. The light likewise heavy multilayered grey as dawn considers breaking. A chill on the air and the sounds of the birds accompanied by the swish of leaf and branch on the breeze. The slow oaks shedded leaves spinning across the grass ahead of the wind. Crow conversations around me as well as the more melodious Robins. A braying donkey in the far off distance, not heard that for a goodly while. The coffee is cooling quite quickly again, a firm indication of the advancement of the year. So here we are on another self care Sunday and, for me, a bit of a blank canvas this morning. A bit of a creative impasse on lots of levels and I am wondering why ? It’s hung around me for a few weeks now. A sense of self indulgence in talking of issues and musings sits with me when you take a step back and look at the violence and uncertainty in the world. Trying to see the personal in the carnage that surrounds us, to stay true to the inherent humanity that I am sure sits within us all and not to lose sight of that in the deluge of bile and hatred issuing from those in higher places. It’s a strange Sunday today, holding onto the strands of kindness, that sit below the surface. One has to wonder where we are all headed in all of this. I normally, as I sit either beneath the oak or where ever I may be, manage to stay present and drink in my surroundings, but this morning for some reason the carnage as bled into this moment. Nietzsche writes that :

“ In individuals, insanity is rare; but in groups, parties, nations and epochs, it is the rule.”

Some what ironic considering his back story. The great philosopher Eric Fromm in his book ‘The Sane Society ‘ where he discusses amongst other things our wedded ness to production, consumption and accumulation notes ;

“ That millions of people share the same forms of mental pathology does not make these people sane.”

And we appear at this moment to be embroiled in a serious phase of insanity.

So taking time to clear my head and put these thoughts to rest for now and breathe in Sunday. Being proactive in my patterns, allowing the thoughts to be, but not to give them energy, or define my thinking or appreciation of the good in people that I am surrounded by.

You are often a reflection of your upbringing, your culture, your society and the people that you chose to surround yourself with. Through years of therapy and training I acknowledge my upbringing, through years of work I have rediscovered my culture, my view of society is reflected again in the company that I keep, rather what I read, watch and told to think. The word proactive seems to be the clarion call for this self care Sunday. do something for yourself today. Lovely days people


“ Our problems stem from our acceptance of this filthy, rotten system.” Dorothy Day.


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About Me

I am a recovering therapist, listener, drummer and  sometime writer and photographer on a journey, who loves music, books, people, nature and isolation.


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