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  • raywatters

Feet in the Ancient.

( Late posting no signal )

Grey, overcast and the winds have returned. The calm of yesterday replaced by, turbulent seas and large swells this campervan morning. The colours subdued and dulled by the light, hazy greens and grey seas. Once again overlooking Eynhallow Sound and the island of Eynhallow. Spray and foam in the distance betraying the state of the sea, gulls and blackbirds hang in the air riding the breeze. The sound is relative quiet except for the fierce wind and Oystercatchers, whose call appears to be able to pierce anything. A dual process in place, coming to terms with the relative busyness of Orkney, cars, people and cruise ships as against the sparseness and relative calm of the Shetlands. The six hour boat ride seems to have made a significant difference. However parked up far into the hills and away from the busyness. Talking to a few locals yesterday and sharing their experience of the changes and the need for money coming into the island as against the relative increase in traffic.

“ To light a candle is to cast a shadow...”

As Le Guin once wrote. It’s a common theme through the Isles. So a sense of trying to find balance for myself and the same for the island. As in life equilibrium and balance, if you can find it. Meanwhile we continue with our lives as they are each moment and one day at a time. A day yesterday of churches, cairns, brochs, stacks and arch’s. Both feet firmly planted in the ancient. If you’re a bit of an historian like me then a pretty perfect day. Lovely days people.

“ Every day can look like your ideal day if you do something ideal.” Richie Norton.

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