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  • Writer's pictureRay Watters

Facilitator watching...

It says about minus one, but actually feels a wee bit warmer this campervan morning. A lot cloudier than the last few mornings, the sun yet to break the horizon, though a feint pink tinge betrays its imminent arrival, belts of dark cumulus and sporadic cloud in the sky. Frosty ground once more underfoot. Breathe on air and the usual early morning freshness. Crows in the trees a few robins darting around as well as a starling or two. The sun breaks the horizon and we are treated to another spectacular display. The roads however feel a bit busier. A beautiful evening of music making, tea, food, conversation and community. It’s always a pleasure to be an attendee rather than an organiser. Yesterday it was a delight to be in the presence of a community connector. A person who brings diverse people together to play music, sing, talk, share and drink tea. To see the various people and the communities that they touch. The non judgemental safe space they create with kindness that allows people the freedom to express themselves and be who they are. The essence of the counter to some of todays issues. So it was wonderful to be part of that, but to also sit back and watch it unfold, learn and be in admiration. Here’s to more of us doing this. Lovely days people.

“ Culture is like a forest. The seeds are your core values. Once they take root as behaviours, they can grow into trees, populating your cultural forest. Bad seeds produce unhealthy forests, infertile, and plagued by infestations. Good seeds produce a healthy

forest and ecosystems that support life. One is sustainable, the other is simply not.” Diane Kalen-Sukra.

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