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  • Writer's pictureRay Watters

Experience and Exploration.

Just caught the residue of golden hour light this campervan morning. A hint of orange and pink in the air, pink underbellies on passing aeroplanes, pink contrails and pink reflected in the sparse thinning cloud. A chilly morning on fingers and face. The coffee is very welcome. Once more starlings spread across the ash and the oak. A pair of blue tits are welcome fleeting visitors, I think they are nesting close by, far off calling crows, but no sign of them. The usual man made drone in the background. The welcoming sounds of another self care Sunday morning soaking up the sights and sounds that surround me. Reflecting on the community circle from yesterday and the fun of bringing people together. The famous photographer and environmentalist Ansel Adams once wrote :

“ In wisdom gathered over time I have found that every experience is a form of exploration.”

His black and white explorations of landscapes, wilderness and cityscapes are stunning. Check them out.

Every experience is a form of exploration really struck a chord with me. Particularly when at the moment I have a sense of sharing the exploration of my experiences. That through intention I create my experiences and they give me the opportunity to explore. Every intention is an opportunity to create experience and every experience is an opportunity to explore. Lovely self care Sundays people. Don’t forget to do something for you.

“ Nothing is so dangerous to the progress of the human mind than to assume that our views of science are ultimate, that there are no mysteries in nature, that our triumphs are complete and that there are no new worlds to conquer.” Humphrey Davy.

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