Driving north and the temperatures have finally broken a good 10 to 15 degrees cooler than Tuscany. Parked up close to the Austrian border and the Alps, in the western dolomites this campervan morning. A bright, pale blue sky, a few misty looking clouds, vapour trails and surrounded on all sides by high mountains some clad in green, some bleak looking escarpments, some clad in uniform crops of varying descriptions. Occasional houses dot the hills, a few ruined battlements and older churches, signify the passing of time. It’s quite still, no breeze to speak of. A bird pauses to wash itself at the edge of the small pond I am sitting next to, brushing, flapping and fluttering water through its feathers, it’s chased off by a magpie who appears to be most indignant. I am sitting in a sensory garden, in the grounds of a family run organic herb and flower business. I am surrounded by fragrances too numerous to mention or even recognise. The air is full of them. Colours of purple, orange, yellow, varying shades of green sit before me, the sound of running water in the pond, the touch of the leaves and the shingle underfoot, as well as the sound of gentle music even at this early hour. A truly fully immersive sensorial experience. A absolutely stunning way to start the day. Various art installations to also engage the senses. So this morning is just sitting and absorbing all of these stimuli aiding the ability to be rather than overloading it. Just so beautifully done and a real sense of wonder sits with me this morning. I came across this quote from Savannah Page :
“ If we lose sight of pleasures and luxuries that intoxicate the senses in the most sensuous and beautiful and simplest of ways, then we`ve lost a lot.”
There is a sense that after the touristy side of the trek, this is part of the rebalance the reconnection to my roots. The thunderstorms of a few nights ago in the mountains above Lake Como, clearing the air, this sensory garden and the reconnect to all my senses and my whole self. Lovely days people.
“ If you are what you eat, you are what you see and hear.” E.A. Bucchianer
