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  • raywatters

Eliminating the Unnecessary.

Heavy looking skies, solid and dark grey this campervan morning. The light likewise. A host of Starlings once more in the Ash and a single Robin bobs around the hedges. I can hear a woodpecker, which occasionally graces us with their presence, but they are way off in the distance. A wee bit of moisture in the air, clinging to everything around me. Not as cold as I was expecting, but there is a chill, which makes the coffee or the more welcome. Plane engines growl above impenetrable cloud and the commuter grind sits background. A quiet day yesterday leads to the start of another week of experiences and adventures. Contemplating the threat of snow over the next few days as well as the run of the mill thoughts of work. A sense of child like expectancy sits with me this morning with the merest hint of snow. The rest of the world emerging and commencing their day. Not a huge amount to report. Part of yesterday was an exercise called ‘Eliminating the Unnecessary’ borrowed from the book called ‘The Art of Non-Conformity’. Looking at my distractions and unnecessary obligations. The things that get in the way of doing what I want to do asking myself what will happen if I don’t do them. The creation of a ‘Stop-doing’ list. I am sure I have written about this before, but the importance of saying no, taking some responsibility to stand back and create the list to free up space to do things that enhance growth and decide what at this moment in time I really want. It’s been a useful exercise to clear some stuff out and reorder what I like. So the stop doing list. Lovely days people


“ Unreasonable," "unrealistic," and "impractical" are all words used to marginalize a person or idea that fails to conform with conventionally expected standards.” Chris Guillebeau.

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