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  • raywatters

Don't neglect your 'B-Roll'.

Starlings are back in the ash this campervan morning. The usual Robin and Blackbird song, as well as those I don’t know fill the morning chill air. The song l finally identified as that of a great tit also in the air. Pale blue sky just visible through paper thin white cloud. Not as cold as it has been. The Monday hum of commuter traffic. The start of another week. I like to keep moving forward morphing, changing, developing, not standing still, new challenges, no matter how much I moan about it. The rediscovery of photography after a long long break, the discovery of filming and documenting elements of life and journeys undertaken and the impact of things around me. In this filming malarkey they talk of ‘B - Roll’, the stuff that supports the main film. The sometimes arty stuff, but the essential stuff that helps support, shape and tell the story. They say you need more ‘B-Roll’ than you think you need and especially not to neglect the ‘B-Roll’. I have been reflecting on this and drawing parallels to my own personal ‘B-Roll’ The stuff that supports my main story. The people , places, encounters and experiences that I have in the past and do come across now, that have supported and continue to support my own story. My emphasis on not neglecting them and their journey. The interconnectedness of it all. How everyone else’s story feeds into mine and helps paint a picture, create a story, a film going forward, provide an essential back drop in explaining where I am and why I am. Where I fit in their journey. Also pushing my own boundaries in order to keep collecting and experiencing ‘B-Roll’ to flesh out my own film, create my own journey, fill the spaces in the story. So this morning is a don’t neglect the ‘B-Roll’ kind of morning. Lovely days people.

“ Love is wise; hatred is foolish. In this world, which is getting more and more closely interconnected, we have to learn to tolerate each other, we have to learn to put up with the fact that some people say things that we don't like. We can only live together in that way. But if we are to live together, and not die together, we must learn a kind of charity and a kind of tolerance, which is absolutely vital to the continuation of human life on this planet.” Bertrand Russell.

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