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  • raywatters

Distant Places.

A frosty, chilly campervan morning. A good crackly, crunchy underfoot white frost spreads out before me. Everything has a touch of whiteness about it. A cold dryness in the air, that catches your breath, steam from hot coffee and brilliant sunshine bathing treetops and roofs. Starlings catching the sun in the tops of the Ash, a blackbird briefly drops in along with a single blue tit, looking for food. A far off crow can be heard amongst the far off commuter drone. A squirrel clambers up the truck of the Oak, food clutched in its jaws. About half way up the oak, at the root of a large branch there appears to be some form of pooling of water that has collected and remained there. A blackbird and a couple of starlings have dropped in to drink and then flit away, quickly followed by a Robin. It’s high enough up to have been defrosted by the sun. The sky is a cloudless brilliant blue with the occasional dash of pink underbelied passing aeroplanes. It’s Monday and the start of another week and February draws to a close. Not much to report this stunning if some what cold morning. A quiet day of paperwork yesterday and reading, reflecting on a week of drumming ahead and plans for later. Places that need to visited and things that need to be seen and experienced. One of my many favourite authors and muses Rebecca Solnit writes :

“ Distant places give us refuge in territories where our own histories aren’t so deeply entrenched and we can imagine other stories and other selves or just drink up quiet and respite “.

Drink up quiet and respite feels about right this morning. The poet and author Megan Harlan writes :

“ I need the sky's colored threads to tangle inside me, pull me somewhere new”.

I am often drawn to female writers and I also often wonder why that is, what is it that they offer to me ?. Their insight, their emotional context, language, reflection, interpretation, empathy, compassion, experience and gentleness to name but a few maybe. There is often a discussion around the idea that people make places and to some extent that’s true, however I am not drawn to those places very often, conversely particular people, dear friends and relationships can draw me to a place. There is the rising sense of adventure and experience again to contemplate. Lovely days people.

“ The most wise and evolved minds come from the most unlikely people and places”.

Tina Sequeira.

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