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  • Writer's pictureRay Watters


Good morning, this campervan morning is once again brought you from the shores of Loch Lomond. The waters are still and calm, a change from the choppiness of yesterday, a beautiful sunrise of oranges and pinks. Blue and white clouds, Ben Lomond is partially shrouded in mist and cloud. A frosty cold night, the ground once again crunchy underfoot. Somewhat spoiled for choice watching the sunrise to the east and the clouds play in the north over Ben Lomond. A quiet day of walking yesterday, chatting to an 80 year old photographer on the shore, who camps in his van, but lives not far. Family history, local stories and places to go and see. Engrossed in conversation with my camping neighbour, who shared his life story, family dramas, history and some places to go and see and camp. I love the fact that everyone just wants to talk, you don’t get a lot of that in Surrey. I often wonder why that is ? The insular, driven, head down, no eye contact, product drone existence, though to be fair I have been there and got the t-shirt. A day of decisions today, drumming later and then whether to move north or start a move back to the west. The sort of decisions that are maybe a bit easier to make. Lovely days people.

“ The quality of a decision cannot be solely judged based on its outcome.” Nassim Nicholas Taleb.

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