A cooler morning this campervan morning, much needed early cloud cover and a wee breeze, though the outlook is for more warmth, which I can already feel coming through. Still located in the industrial east of Florence about four miles from the old town and on the road out to the east coast.
So a day of days yesterday. Not quite D-Day, but a major bucket list tick. Finally got to see Michelangelo’s David in the flesh so to speak. Nothing prepares you for it. A significant investment in time, patience ( There’s that word again ), queuing and with the utmost love to my Italian drum family, beautiful Italian organisation. Tourist surfing through bustling noisy, tall, narrow streets and alleyways to get there, turning lefts and rights to avoid the thronged main thoroughfares and use parallel side roads, but once within the Galleria dell’Accademia relative quiet. You’re perusing Reformation and Renaissance art, beautiful colours and rich depth and its changing shape of interpretation of religious events, when you turn a corner and there at the end of the wide corridor he stands. It’s a moment you can’t replay, a real visceral emotion overtakes you, lump in the throat, a magical moment of something that is difficult to describe. Just the eye is taken directly to him, the emotions he gives rise to, lump in the throat, seriously close to tears and I don’t know why, it’s a friggin statue, just such a sight. I wish I could bottle it and sniff every now again when I am in doubt. A statue of such reputation which it utterly lives by. The look of defiance and calculation, his sling draped and stone in hand. His body relaxed yet poised. I am in the camp of the opinion that he is yet to strike, the look in his eyes is mesmerising. A serious bucket list moment. Lovely days people.
My quote of the day comes from an overheard between an American wife to her husband.
“ Jeez, there sure is a lot of art in here “ Anonymous.
