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  • Writer's pictureRay Watters


A stunning full moon hangs on the western horizon this campervan morning. A cold chill on the air and on the ground, the crackle of leaf and grass underfoot. A coloured hue to the morning light, high up cirrus clouds painted in glorious pinks and oranges, just a stunning sunrise. I am joined by a curious blackbird, hunting through leaf and grass. I haven’t seen blackbirds for an age so this is a pleasant surprise. The small morning flock of starlings sits in the ash and colour the sky with calls and songs. I can hear gulls once again, but they remain unseen. There’s a busyness to the bird activity this morning and the human drone appears to be subdued, probably a change in the atmospherics. As I continue one of my journeys, which is through the complete works of Rebecca Solnit, I came across this in her book ‘The Faraway Nearby ‘:

“ You build yourself out of the materials at hand and those you seek out and choose, you build your beliefs, your alliances, your affections, your home… You digest an idea or an ethic as though it was your bread, and like bread it becomes part of you. Out of all this comes your contribution to the making of the world, your sentences in the ongoing interchange.”

She talks of these and their contribution to your experience. I have been reflecting on contributions to the world. Mine, others and those around me. The conscious activity of contributing and the mindset or the ‘bread’ that sits behind it. What is my contribution to the world, the communities and the people that I have chosen to surround myself with. How have they influenced that contribution. What is the drive to contribute rather than just take. Something to ponder as the week starts to unfurl. Lovely days people.

“ There are so many men and women who hold no distinctive positions but whose contribution towards the development of society has been enormous.” Nelson Mandela.

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