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  • Writer's pictureRay Watters

Connection, Tribe and Conversations.

Big white sky this campervan morning. Whiteness as far as the eye can see, with the occasional smudge of grey. Circling gulls way up high, far off crow calls and the usual menagerie of smaller sparrows. Starlings once more spread across the ash and the oak. It feels like quite a gentle morning. A thin sun breaks through here and there to shower a wee bit of light into the day. The coffee is welcome, but it’s not cold this morning, anything but. The passing of aeroplanes obscured by the blanket of cloud and the sporadic sounds of cars set on purposeful journeys. I have been busy reconnecting with my tribe over the last few days having emerged from the breathless fog of illness. A long conversation with a dear friend over the last few days looking at humanity and the light that some of them bring. The acts of unbelievable generosity, courage and humanity that have been witnessed that rekindle our faith in us as humans. At a macro level we maybe be blasted with the negativity, nastiness, lies and the selfishness of the few, but at a micro level the stories of kindness and humanity that rekindle the warmth we feel and have towards each other. Almost life reaffirming and just a lovely experience to bathe in the telling of these encounters when we are surrounded by a process that pumps out negativity. Another self care Sunday is upon us and time to do something to look after yourself, fuel the body and fuel the soul. I find myself lucky to be connected to people whose conversations have fuelled my soul over the last few days. The importance of connection, tribe and conversation to fuel the soul. Lovely days people.

“ As an introvert, you crave intimate moments and deep connections--and those usually aren't found in a crowd.” Jenn Granneman.

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