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  • Writer's pictureRay Watters

“ Come on in. The water’s fine.”

Sunshine greets me this campervan morning. Blue clear skies, high cirrus cloud and a wee wind. A lovely morning to start the week. There is the slightest of chills and the feeling that everything is still drying out after weekend rain. The trees glowing in early morning light, the sun catching a myriad of flying beasties as they circle leaves and branches. Some crow conversation in the distance, house sparrow chatter and far off gulls. Commuter rumbles in the background. Monday well and truly kicked off for some. A self care Monday for me after a busy weekend, so soaking up the morning breath, in no particular hurry to get anywhere. Thoreau writes of the morning as a :

“ Cheerful invitation to make my life of equal simplicity, and I may say innocence, with Nature herself.”

And the invitation was made and here I sit under the oak today. It’s interesting even sitting in the dark mornings of winter or summer and autumnal downpours, of which there have been a few, the invitation is till extended and I gladly accept. I am not so sure about the simplicity or innocence, but I suppose for the moments that I sit here it is thus. I enjoy delving into books, quotes and reading they invite me to change my perspective. At this moment Thoreau on mornings, various authors on life and the differing perspectives from O’Donohue, to Anais Nin, De Botton, Rogers, Kassem, writers and artists, drummers and shamans, psychologists and philosophers all invite me to change my perspective from the self, to relationships, to life and all points in between. They challenge, reassure, explore, encourage, invent and explain. The invitation is always there and I can chose to accept or not and this morning for the time under the oak I accept the invitation of simplicity and innocence with nature, as can we all. Lovely days people.

“ Come on in. The water’s fine.” Everybody at some point.

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