Chilly this campervan morning, no cloud, stars and passing navigation lights are the order of the sky. Feels a wee bit busier on the air, distant rolling stock, motorway hum and nearer traffic fill the air. Robin song and warning signal calls contribute to the sounds. The light yet to break makes for the usual guess work in how the morning will unfold. The oak is beginning to lose its colour, though she still stands green and resplendent, having been busy this week providing early morning cover from the elements. No breeze at all so everything just hangs. Friday so soon, the week and October already coming to a close. Samhain is quickly approaching, but more of that another time. It feels like a slow morning as I sit. Nothing is flowing, no thoughts or musings just the sounds of a waking world. Trying to sense some inspiration, but that too appears lost this morning. So listening to a couple of Robins and a late arriving Crow and see what comes up. I sit as Solnit once wrote ;
“ Collaborating with chance “.
Which is almost a full time morning occupation. The sky taking shape, pale blues streaked with darker shades of greying blue as the sun rises. Rebecca Solnit in ‘A field guide to getting lost‘ writes that ;
“ Blue is the colour of longing for the distance that you never arrive in”.
The absence of thought means an immersion in the present and that will do for now, lost in immersions. Some satisfaction at being at a loss. A sense of no pressure to create, rummage around in unneeded thoughts, shedding attachments to plans and just witness. So sitting under the oak and collaborating with chance. Lovely days people.
“Anyone who lives in a city will know the feeling of having been there too long “. Robert MacFarlane.
