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  • Writer's pictureRay Watters

Chaos and Shape...

Dark, wet and pouring with rain this campervan morning. It’s so heavy at the moment I dare not venture out. It’s banging on the roof, obscuring all the senses. A cacophony of sound and dissonant rhythm. It’s streaming down windows and windscreen. I can just make out what I think is the sound of blackbird, but its efforts are in vain. Gutters over flow, drains appear full, the excess washing down the street. Elke Heinrich wrote that “ Rain always seems to me like a thousand little kisses from Heaven.” If that’s true then we are truly loved this morning. John O Donohue also wrote of rain that it “ Is somehow a soft presence that reaches us to keep our earth fluent and in a rhythm of growth “. The cloud is heavy solid and dark as is the light. The ground is saturated and runs with water, puddles grow furiously under the onslaught of the downpour. A busy day yesterday of sorting and clearing in preparation for the next few days. My time line is full of people wishing everyone seasons best wishes and a general sense of slowing down for many, but I am sure not all. I wrote yesterday of sitting between the chaos and the shape, the bit where thought, reflections and perhaps creativity takes place. This mornings thoughts disturbed by direction and where chaos and shape fits in with direction.

Jean Klein wrote :

“ The difference between an ordinary object and a work of art is that the object is passive in its pointing towards the ultimate whereas the work of art is active “

I sense also life and choices are the same. They sit between chaos and shape. Well I will take ownership, my choices and life sit between chaos and shape. It’s a work of art not an object. It’s active not passive. Though sometimes it’s very passive almost inert and the clay fails to take any shape, but on those days it’s ok. Or sometimes there is a pause between chaos and shape. I sense that this time of year for me, which is one of winter, hibernation, reflection, taking stock is part of the moulding process, the pause between the chaos and the shape. Choices and decisions to make for the clay to take shape. A bit convoluted this campervan morning, but you get the drift. Lovely days people.

“ Life is a constant interplay between the powers within us, for which we are responsible, and the powers outside us, over which we have no control”. Parker J Palmer.

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