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Campervan Morning 900... Limitations, Books and Voyages.

Campervan Morning 900.

So a lovely spring like unfolding morning on the cusp of May heralds this Campervan Morning 900. Some sort of award is called for, but not sure what yet. A whole 900 mornings of ramblings and sharings. This campervan morning sees a pale blue hazy sky, with fading gossamer thin cirrus cloud and thinning contrails. The sunshine from yesterday really seems to have brought the green out in the oak. The signs of leaves finally starting to take hold, the ash is way ahead this year. Nothing from the roads, just passing planes, which is interruption enough. The birds are busy, the usual blackbird song, accompanied by a singular Robin, starlings appear to have made themselves scarce over the last few days. A pair of blue tits move around twig and branch on their morning hunt. Bees are the background hum this morning, hordes of them mining the surrounding flowers. So 900 mornings of sitting where ever I am, be it Oak, beach, van, ferry, lay-by, campsite, riverside, lakeside or loch side, forest or road, lodge or cabin, rain, sunshine, snow, frost or cold sharing journeys, thoughts, feelings and life. A bit of debris around yesterdays thoughts and sharings sits with me. A sense of frustration around one of those mornings where nothing would materialise and I was lost in daily prepping. Saying it was ok, when it was not still sits with me this morning. Time to acknowledge and let it lose its grip. The author Steven Pinker wrote :

“ In societies no less than individuals, acknowledging our limitations may ultimately be more humane than denying them. “

I have many limitations and it felt important to acknowledge this one and let it lose its power.

Processing yesterdays sessions working with groups of exceptional children and young adults with additional needs. A rewarding if somewhat tiring day and now enjoying the quiet ramblings of nature on a Sunday morning. I am working my way through the diaries of the naturalist John Muir amongst other books. He wrote :

“ Handle a book as a bee does a flower, extract its sweetness but do not damage it.”

His writings of nature call to me, as some days the works of other authors, poets ( I thought I would never write that word ), historians, artists, painters and creators. Extracting their ‘Sweetness’ so to speak to inform and nurture me and my creativity. They reflect I think the many parts of the whole of me, as does the last 900 days of ramblings. One of my many favourite writers Christina Baldwin ( Her work ‘ Calling the Circle ‘ informs my drum circle work ) said :

“Journal writing is a voyage to the interior.”

The last 900 or so sharings of the journey to where we are now has been a kind of journal. Extracting the sweetness of each morning, thought and experience on the journey to the interior. Sometimes the bitterness too. For as in everything there is balance. So perhaps being thankful here of who I am, the journey so far and looking ahead to what is to come. Now crossing off the days for a month long road trip. There seems so much more to write to acknowledge the figure 900, but time is against me. See you in CVM 901. Lovely days people.

“ Celebrate who you are in your deepest heart. Love yourself and the world will love you.” Amy Leigh Mercree.

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