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  • raywatters

Campervan Brunch!

Campervan late morning brunch today. Basking in overnight rhythms from last nights drum circle. The drum circle part of the holiday brought to a close and a privilege to be present in an all women circle last night. Gentle thoughtful grooves, no ya ya moments. Connection and beauty at every turn. Weaving in and out of percussion, drums and back again, weaving in and out of each other. A lovely experience and reflecting on what it offered in communication, connection and music making. The element of trust imparted to each other as Stephen Covey said :

“ When the trust account is high, communication is easy, instant, and effective.”

As it was last night. A perfect end to the drumming side of the holiday and now onto Aberdeen and ferry to Shetland for the next part of the journey. Interesting, struggling to write today, in a cafe en route, not my usual posting, not my usual environment and not my usual time, everything appears to have tried to thwart a sharing and cloud my process. Anais Nin once wrote :

“ In chaos, there is fertility.” Anais Nin.

I am sure she is right, but it’s deserted me today and there is a desire to keep posting. It is what it is. Lovely days people.

“ When you trust, you are tender and delicate, but when you doubt, you are dangerous and destructive.” Anaïs Nin.

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