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  • Writer's pictureRay Watters

Bits that work and bits that don't...

Bit of a later start, so more of a campervan brunch than morning. A late night drum, means a wee lie in. A bright morning, blue sky and cumulus cloud. A suspicious lump of darkness in the distance. A later morning chill with the occasional glimpse of sun, dampness everywhere, Oak leaves scattered around me, those remaining dripping water from the tree. Busyness in nature. The advantage of the later brunch start is a quietening of the humdrum of commuter traffic near and far. Interesting night last night bringing two different groups of people together as community and teenagers at that. So this morning reflecting on that session, the voice is a little strained. Interesting giving teenagers the opportunity to improvise and express themselves through rhythm, confronting elements of themselves. Had me reflecting on elements of myself and confronting and acknowledging my varying parts. The bits that work and the bits that need work. It’s interesting that we are never completed, we are always growing and I feel that as a facilitator not only do we develop those around us, but also ourselves as facilitators, leaders and people. The importance of reflection post session, not on the mechanics of the session, a camera can do that, but what was going on for me, identifying relationships, your own dynamics, feelings and emotions. I talk a lot of reflection a skill set that allows growth in you and your work which spills into life, interactions and relationships. You can’t stand still, you have to move forward, acknowledge and grow otherwise as Matijn Dooland said tomorrow will just be the same. Lovely days people.

“ Learning without thought is labour lost; thought without learning is perilous.” Confucius

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