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  • Writer's pictureRay Watters

Believe in Yourself...

A real chill here in suburbia this campervan morning. Heavy breath on air, thick steam from coffee, clouds of steam rising from house heating systems. The persistent bands of heavy rain have stopped pushing through this morning, it’s blue sky and high thin cirrus clouds. The air is still, but full of the drone of motorway traffic, which has been absent for the last few days. Starlings in the Ash, once more in earnest conversation, a squirrel scampers around the oak bringing down leaves and overnight rain onto hat and shoulders. The birds are busy, a small bush heavy with berries appears to be a particular favourite of the blue tits at the moment and once more they are hunting for food. Unknown calls and responses echo around me. There is a feeling of dampness all around, earth, metal and wood feel saturated as does the air. It’s Friyay and for some of us the weekend is just around the corner. I became part of a conversation yesterday around healing and creating our own magic. What it takes to create our own magic, what energy, the discipline to invest in your own magic, at the very basic level to deserve magic in our lives in whatever shape your magic takes. Why we some times fill our time with busyness that stops the magic from happening. The whole lie around delayed gratification, and if you do this ( Whatever this is ) now then the magic can be later. Some of us really fell for that one ( Me included ). The Irish writer and poet W B Yates wrote “ The world is full of magic things, patiently waiting for our senses to grow sharper”. I feel that the last few years have been a process of investing in sharpening those senses. Being exposed to people, experiences, conversations, books and adventures that sharpen those senses and allow the magic through. Also a sense of holding onto discipline of investing in those senses. So today is about sharpening senses and magic. Lovely days people.

“Magic is believing in yourself, if you can do that, you can make anything happen.” Johann Wolfgang von Goethe.

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