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  • raywatters

Beginners Mind... Again !!

Persistent and heavy rain this campervan morning. Under the oak, which is doing a reasonable job, but I don’t know for how much longer. The sheen of dampness on paths and driveways. The sky threateningly heavy and grey, a firm breeze sending cascades of water into the ground, cars in the rain, tyres sloshing through puddles. It finally seems to ease allowing me to make the decision to stick with it and to stay and enjoy cool air and the sound of whispered conversations in the trees. Very few bird calls, everyone appears to be taking shelters It’s becoming colder I have noticed. The weather appears to be in bands, clear a few moments and then wind, followed by rain and then clear again, for the whole cycle to go round again. The wind brings early leaves from the oak down to the ground, the floor now a patchwork of brown and green. I had no idea, but apparently the dropping of leaves by trees is called ‘abscission’. You never stop learning. Quite a change this morning as the seasonal shift seems to take hold. The rain returns and really it is time to admit defeat and retreat. The busyness of humanity is starting to unfold around me. I rose to late to catch the dark and it feels Iike a slow morning, both in mind and deed so nothing really to report other than let the day commence and see where it takes me. Lovely days people.

“ Be willing to be a beginner every single morning.” Meister Eckhart.

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