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  • raywatters

Astrology !!!

Good morning from a misty and moist park up just north of Moffat. Low low mist and cloud obscures the valley sides, racing east away from me on the breeze this campervan morning. As I say the valley utterly obscured. Misty rain coming down drives me back to the van, the cloud even lower, no more than 30 feet. There’s a wee chill on the air, caught on the wind that’s driving the mist eastwards. Sheep, rain, flowing water and low cloud are my companions. A long wet drive northwards yesterday, the rain almost relentless for most of the journey, but a sense of being worth it this morning for the sound of a rain filled running stream, an old stone bridge ( I do love an old stone bridge, oh the tales they could tell ) birds and nothing else. Brief snatches of conversation this morning with travellers from France and Carlisle already and it’s not even half seven. A promise of brighter weather to come from the walkers from Carlisle, but I’m not so sure. The more persistent rain drives me inside, streaming down windows. I’m not a huge believer in the whole horoscope thing, but I am a Cancerian. Apparently drawn to water, a wee bit crabby and like their own homes. Jung wrote :

“ Astrology is assured of recognition from psychology, without further restrictions, because astrology represents the summation of all the psychological knowledge of antiquity. “

Maybe he has a point, but and I am more Jung than Mystic Meg. So at the moment I am by water and have my home with me and all is good with the world. Well actually all is great with the world. So maybe there is something to it after all. As for the crabby bit, you will have to ask family and friends. I couldn’t possibly comment. Lovely days people.

“Life would be a lot better if we all spent a little more time staring at the stars.” Alexandria Bellefleur.

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