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  • raywatters

An Oasis of Calm.

Heavy grey cloud returns once more and sits solidly above me this campervan morning. Far off geese and a solitary woodpecker break up the birds song. Magpies in the Oak and the return of a smattering of starlings in the Ash. There feels like the threat of rain on the air and a slight chill on the intermittent breeze. It’s Monday already, an early morning coffee and no background drone either, which is always welcome. It’s purely the birds so an opportunity to soak it up before the day starts in earnest. A couple of blue tits dance around the branches, securing food and then quickly dart away. The morning rituals of suburban nature. I firmly believe that Mother’s Day should be a bank holiday and a long weekend, not so much just a Sunday. To celebrate the incredible people that are mothers. Perhaps we should start a petition. The start of a much deserved matriarchal society, rather than the class ridden patriarchy we have now. A return to our roots maybe ? A busy day drumming today so taking time out as usual to be present. Nanette Mathews writes :

“ If you're always racing to the next moment, what happens to the one you're in? Slow down and enjoy the moment you're in and live your life to the fullest.”

I have in the past been a prime example of busyness and activity. The measurement of my worth by my productivity accompanied by the well done pat on the head that you used to get. So the discipline of these campervan mornings have been important in the part of me that needs to encourage stillness and in turn calm.

A few days ago I did an evening drum circle for a youth club for young ND adults. We were in our circle about eight of us, nine including me, in the centre of the hall. playing games, playing drums and making up rhythms whilst around us was at times absolute pandemonium. The circle had become an oasis of calm, present, centred and focused. Everyone in the moment despite their own challenges and as I say the pandemonium surrounding them. Calm does not have to be sitting under a tree in the early morning in a Zen like pose, or in deep meditation. For us it was found in the middle of a drum circle. If it can be found there it can be found almost anywhere. Lovely days people.

“ There’s a whole world out there, right outside your window. You’d be a fool to miss it.” Charlotte Eriksson.

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