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  • Writer's pictureRay Watters

A Warm Heart...

The considered meteorological position is that it’s minus 5 this campervan morning and it feels like it. A waning moon hangs high in the sky and the many layers I have on seem some what useless against the cold, which seems to cling to me this morning. A sheet of thick frost covers all and the overpowering colour is white, with shades of nature showing through. Thick breath on air and thick steam from my hot coffee fill the air. It’s as still as still can be, everything hanging with heavy frost. Lewis Carrol asked the question of snow, but I think it equally applies to nature and winter :

“ I wonder if the snow loves the trees and fields, that it kisses them so gently? And then it covers them up snug, you know, with a white quilt; and perhaps it says, "Go to sleep, darlings, till the summer comes again.”

The far off drone seems clearer in the still air, but birds are awakening, the usual crows, magpies and blackbirds. There is an orange tinge to the light, magnifying the yellow carpet of Oak leaves and those that remain on the tree. It’s a stunning, but cold morning, I should have gone wandering with my camera, but I need the inspiration of the new at the moment. Sadly what is left of my coffee has gone cold already. Winter really is one of my favourite seasons. I love the sense of hunkering down, warm fires, gatherings, Dickens, carols, readings and hibernation that the season brings, the cleansing cold and the year coming to an end, the sun exhausted by it’s hard work for the year waits for another soon to open. A curious Robin drops beside me, checks me out then moves on with it’s day. So reflecting on a pilgrimage through another winter. The house is full of winter music, plans for the next few weeks and family coming together. Another part of my love of winter the various gatherings and sharings that it entails. The amazing author Marty Rubin wrote

“ To keep a warm heart in winter is the real victory.”

And that’s where I am at. The cold has penetrated too deep as I sit here and time to move indoors. Lovely days people.

“ To town - folk the winter always appears much longer than it does to dwellers in the country “.

Edward Step.

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