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A search for happiness ?


A hot journey north to Florence yesterday, the variable weather disappeared into a hot slog to a vineyard just south and a rest day before three days in Firenze and the ultimate tourist challenge. Another bright morning, thinning flat cirrus cloud on the hills in the distance, the more familiar sounds of crows, magpies and a pheasant interspersed with unknown bird calls. Swallows on the morning hunt above the vines and hedge rows. Lush green hills covered in vines, somewhat akin to a raked Zen garden, fir tree lined roadways. It’s very still, only a hint of breeze and already warm. The long fingered firs provide much needed shade. A feint rumble from a nearby road, as Italian life has kicked off before the mid day heat. The opportunity to look out for a few moments , to feel cut off from the world, observe and absorb the view and to have no other thoughts at all. To be, as Rick Rubin writes :

“ In constant dialogue with what is and what was “

And then to rejoin the world.

The drives are stupendous, twisty challenges and the views sublime, but it always takes longer than anticipated to get from one place to another. Through mountains, up and over hills, usually with a tail of Italians behind me looking to over take at the narrowest point or the blindest of bends. I can but only imagine their frustration at being stuck behind an ambling Brit. A short, but hot journey and now sitting amongst vines and olive trees. Reflecting on the last few days tours of Tuscan hilltop towns and countryside. The camping spot this evening meant a serious and ultimately successful battle with numerous mosquitoes. An incredible sunset to my left and the rising moon over the hills and vines to my right, no photo would do any of it justice, but a once in a life time opportunity. Well so far.

I am intrigued by De Botton’s comments around happiness he writes that :

“ If our lives are dominated by a search for happiness, then perhaps few activities reveal as much about the dynamics of this quest - in all its ardour and paradoxes - than our travels “

I am wondering what that says about the last 8 weeks or so of travel and what that says about my journey or my pursuit. Lovely days people.

“ Journeys are the midwives of thought “ Alain De Botton.

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