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  • raywatters

A Large Uncertain World.

A night of buffeting winds and torrential rain gives way to a showery campervan morning. The rain consistent, but bearable. Temporary shelter from the oak means an opportunity to soak up the start of the day. The winds have dissipated for now and the oak hangs soaked, the ground saturated, surrounded by puddles and the hangover of last nights downpours added to by today’s ongoing shower. Falling water dominates the soundtrack, falling on grass, oak and roof, coursing along gutters and roads, a few far off cars and unseen passing planes make themselves known. The birds on the whole remain relatively quiet. The cloud is heavy, grey and unbroken as far as the eye can see, though it remains quite warm, little need for any layers as we start our journey through November. The rain easing, means an attempt to shelter and remain outside continues. We appear to be escaping the worst of the weather. Not a huge amount to report this morning. Dodging showers and wind appears to be the theme of the day ahead and life continues to tick along. Plans for up and coming travel starting to formulate in my head and various checks and balances that need to be put in place before departure. In Rick Rubin’s book ‘The Creative Act’ he notes that ;

“ In an attempt to navigate a large, uncertain world, we develop beliefs that give us a coherent framework, reduced options, and a false sense of certainty.”

As I sit and plane the next few weeks away, I’m looking at what my coherent or perhaps more likely incoherent framework looks like and the reduced options because of them. Over my time as a counsellor, both in training and in practice, my belief systems have been pulled apart, explored and sometimes understood if not particularly coherent. One thing it has given me is the courage to look at it regularly, to test it and explore it. My framework now feels like an ever changing feast of ideas, beliefs and systems which has maximised some options and reduced the need for a sense of certainty. To feel, if not comfortable, at least accepting of a degree of uncertainty. Another step so to speak. Lovely days people.

“ The eye sees only what the mind is prepared to comprehend.” Robertson Davies.

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