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  • raywatters

A Better Person Today.

A chilly night rolls into a chilly campervan morning . A good frost on the ground, quickly burning off with the rising sun. Long sunlit shadows of hedge and tree. It’s crunchy underfoot. The sky a brilliant bright blue with gossamer thin cirrus cloud. Rabbits bounce on the grass in front of me and I think I glimpsed a deer whilst finding a place to sit. A few moments now to reflect on some powerful days of community building, drumming and trying to walk the talk. Deep conversations around connection, the work we do, the experiences we share, the journeys we are on and the people we are. Interesting as layers fall away. A learning moment for me around being a better person today than you were yesterday and trying to hold onto that mantra. In years gone by I was the sort of person who wanted to emulate peers and others, modelled myself on those people rather than be the person I was. To be honest some of those models were perhaps not the best. It did at times get me into trouble, but worst of all now is the sense of inauthenticity and also a sense of what was I thinking ? I sat last night in the van reflecting on this with the residue of rhythms playing in my head, a gift from those around me and long departed home. A lot to ponder. Lovely days people.

“It is better to fail in originality than to succeed in imitation.” Herman Melville.

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