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  • Writer's pictureRay Watters


A sky of high pink tinged cirrus clouds this campervan morning. A few more notches down on the temperature, feels chillier. The Oak is busy with Squirrels and a couple of Crows, the Ash has a few Starlings and a Blackbird or two. There’s a couple of industrious Blue Tits on the hedge and I haven’t seen them for a long time. Overhead planes glow pink as they catch a rising sun. It’s a cool, busy Tuesday morning and the coffee is going down way too quickly. I was in a conversation yesterday with a good friend discussing a quote from the book ‘Mind Management ‘ that not all hours are created equal. The varying uses of time. We chatted about, despite time being a constant, how it passes quickly, unbelievably slowly, wisely and some times not so wisely. The use of time has an excuse not to do something or a reason to get something done. It’s use as a measure of performance, ability, age ( Not necessarily wisdom ). The old saying about using time wisely. Who knows what wise means ? How looking back at the age of 60 where has all the time gone. How each hour isn’t perhaps created equal. A joyful hour passes in a blink and on the other end of the spectrum drags for an eternity. A photograph capturing fleeting moments in time. How time is used to justify things, hold you back ( You’re too young, or you’re too old ) to explain why something can’t be done. Strange this man made concept of time and it’s many uses to dictate behaviour. Lovely days people.

“ Throw your dreams into space like a kite, and you do not know what it will bring back, a new life, a new friend, a new love, a new country.” Anais Nin.

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