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  • Writer's pictureRay Watters

TECH !!!!

It feels colder than it has done this campervan morning. There is a cold dryness in the air, not quite frost, but close to it. Heavy laden grey clouds overhead. The sounds of ducks, pigeon and cockerel. Blackbird in the Ash and the staccato calls of crow and magpie. A busy natural morning. ‘September Trees’ hang still, though the Ash does appear to be shedding, the Oak meanwhile remains resolute. I think there maybe a drey in the midst of the branches of the Oak, close to the top of the trunk, which would explain the preponderance of squirrels over the last few weeks or so. Three noisy gulls circle overhead in conversation. A day of wrestling with technology yesterday and more of the same today. There is a wee bit of weariness in the head, but that maybe just a technology hangover. Working with creativity and technology is like the ultimate multi task. I am not naturally artistic or technologically minded so the combination of the two is a test too far. I do after all hit things for a living. The slogan of ‘ Templates, drag and drop and easy customisation’ when clearly nothing about it is easy, confirm that some of this is a step too far and I don’t really regard myself a Luddite. It’s a masterful lesson however in having to slow down and facing your fears. One single click and hours of work appear to just vanish. The physical wince accompanying the mouse click, the palpable sigh of relief when it remains on the screen. Creativity and technology the test of patience, fear and relief all within a single click. Lovely days people.

“ Technology is the knack of so arranging the world that we do not experience it.”

Rollo May

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