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  • raywatters


A windy suburban self care Sunday this campervan morning. A firm wind sending cascades of leaves into the chill air, twisting, turning and dancing on the breeze. Pleasant enough morning, warmer than it has been. The soundtrack is that of tree and branch bending, leaves whispering in protest at the constant movement. The sky cloudless and bright blue, gulls wheeling on the wind. A few crow cries. A later start, so the sun is up and bathing the trees in autumnal sunshine, bright yellows and browns are the dominant colours. A short visit from a blackbird, of whom I have seen little over the last few months. A couple of robins bob here and there, joined in the oak by a starling or two. A long conversation yesterday with a close friend around the existence of something other worldly than ourselves, spirituality ( And in this context I do not mean religion ), the existence of soul in what ever shape you chose to define it. The works of Jung and O’Donohue. The guidance within and the understanding of that part of self, if of course you believe it exists at all. A long exploration around its impact on them and their understanding of it leaves me reflecting on it this morning amongst the falling leaves, birds on and stiff breeze. Maybe somewhat apt for a Sunday. Anyway it’s self care Sunday today so make sure you do something just for you today. Lovely days people.

Now this is worth pondering as my dear friend wrote about this quote.

"The soul choreographs one’s biography and one’s destiny.” John O’Donohue.

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