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  • Writer's pictureRay Watters


Minus 2 and back home. Bright glorious sunshine and the Oak resplendent in winter frost this campervan morning. Sadly another late one and apologies. Returned from travels early, I have been struck down with some chest lurgy which has my lungs in a vice. Not good as I’m an asthmatic, but there we go that’s where I am at. So not a huge amount going on as I try and shake this off as best I can. Dealing with the frustrations of having to come home early, the opportunities lost in this glorious winter sun and the necessary parts of me that need self care. It has given me some time to reflect on the travel, more of which later, but also the opportunity to stop and take stock. Interesting that a post around a YouTube talk from a friend yesterday, connected to separate book recommendation from another dear friend some time ago sends me on a journey this morning. A connection I may have missed in my travels and my busyness. So a bonus already in having to be still for a few days and heal. A slight sense of wonder at the synchronous nature of it all. Lovely days people.

“The question is not how to get cured, but how to live.” Joseph Conrad.

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